
Hotel Przystań Unique design

Make yourself at home in an extraordinary place, on the shores of Lake Ukiel, one of the most beautiful bodies of water in Masuria and the largest in Olsztyn. Przystań is a luxurious lakeside hotel providing the highest standard of service and comfort you deserve.

Unique design
Hotel Przystań
Unique design
Design & Architecture
Special offers

Special for You Special offers

Take advantage of the wide range of attractions of the region and the hotel itself, book a place for a weekend in Masuria. Try the delicious cuisine at the Port Restaurant. Relax, take care of your health and beauty in our hotel SPA. Book conference rooms.

Przystań Hotel & Spa Location of the hotel

Ul. Żeglarska 4, 10 - 160, Olsztyn, Polska
  • Warsaw 230 km
  • Poznań 340 km
  • Gdańsk 168 km
  • Toruń 175 km

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